It's been a LONG week...
Published Sunday, January 15, 2006 by Trent Bigelow | E-mail this post 
So much has happened in the past week that I don't really know where to begin...but someone important to me made me realize that it's all just part of the norm for me... It's so much the norm, that to me it's not that amazing/different as it used to be. I'm not trying to be condescending when I say that putting in several hundred hours into multiple project that could are so much bigger than myself is the norm for me now. It just is the new reality.
This week I worked with both of my business partners at our internet venture to work on getting everything for the merger/acquisition in order. I got back to Los Angeles on Saturday late night. By Sunday bright and early planning had begun; by Sunday evening I had spent (thankfully free minutes) countless hours of conference calls. Monday was the first day of class for my Spring semester at USC. Went to my classes...then onto a working lunch...then along with Isaac, I toured potential office complexes. Tuesday we were working overtime touring more and more office options, as well as pouring over business and employment contracts. James submitted more equipment/infrastructure listings and budgets. On Wednesday after morning classes Isaac and I worked on last minute prep for our big meeting with the acquisition coordinator. At the last minute, the hour-long meeting's rescheduled for Friday where we were told it was going to more like four or five hours. After that we worked on more compensation package details and comparisons. On Thursday it was all more of the same plus more office visits around downtown LA. Finally, it was Friday. After early morning classes Isaac and did the last minute meeting prep until 3pm or so. At 3:30 we had our big (soon to become overly emotional) meeting. It got out much earlier than we had planned (that's another story). To be honest, I really didn't know what to do with my newly found "free time." Although I could have done more work at that point, I remembered that I had been averaging about four hours of sleep per night all week... I took a nap...
What will the next week bring? Tomorrow never knows.
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