Nice Movie from Mexico -- 7 Dias
Published Thursday, January 19, 2006 by Trent Bigelow | E-mail this post 

Just got back from my
CTCS 466 Theatrical Film Symposium class with professor and famed film critic Leonard
Maltin ( Last week we saw Disney's Glory Road... It was
ok...nothing too bad about, but nothing too great about it either. It seems like most of my classmates felt the same way, as did the professor.
However, this week's film was different! 7 Dias (, written and directed by
USC Cinema-Television School grad Fernando
Kalife, was actually pretty good. Synopsis in a sentence:
The story of how a few brave rural Mexicans brought U2 to their town and everything along the way.
Take a look
here for reviews if you're interested. They're looking for a US distributor, so if you know anyone who's interested...
You can check every week online what unreleased movie I'll be watching at Norris Theatre at
USC --
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